Graeme Hunter | Collège universitaire dominicain
Graeme Hunter

Graeme Hunter

Professeur de recherche, Faculté de philosophie
T 613-233-5696 x339
Bureau : 339


Graeme Hunter est professeur de recherche de la Faculté de philosophie au Collège universitaire dominicain. 


"The Craft of Education," Chesterton Academy Annual Dinner, Ottawa, May 25, 2019.

Cours enseignés dans le passé:
  • An Introduction to Leibnizian Metaphysics
  • Philosophies of Education
  • Descartes Against the Curriculum (seminar)
  • Philosophy of Pascal (seminar)
  • Leibniz’s Mature Philosophy (seminar)
  • Evil in Modern Thought (seminar)

Activités récentes

Forthcoming book on Descartes philosophyUnder contract to the University of Toronto Press.


Pascal the Philosopher: An Introduction Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2013. (Paperback, 2014).


"Many-minded Leibniz's Many Minds," in William Seager ed., The Routledge Handbook of Panpsychism, New York and London, 2020, pp. 44-52.

"In the Fourth Quarter: On turning 75" in Touchstone, TBA

"Looking for Jacobs: Some Trivial Thoughts on the Study of Philosophy," Touchstone, September/October 2019

"A Case of Win-Win: Graeme Hunter on Probability, Death & the Existence of God," Touchstone, July/August, 2019.

“Not Many Gods: On a Famous Objection to Pascal,” forthcoming in Science et Esprit.

“Many-Minded Leibniz’s Many Minds” forthcoming in Routledge collection on Panpsychism, edited by William Seager.

“Leibnizian Materialism,” Dialogue 49 (2011), pp. 573-588.

“« La plus belle proposition modale », ou comment Leibniz améliora la version cartésienne de l’argument ontologique,” in, Descartes et ses critiques, ed. Sébastien Charles, Presses de l’université Laval, 2011.